Sunday, October 24, 2010

Surprised that life's surprises still surprise me

It's funny to me that life's unexpected twists and turns always leave me amazed. By now you'd think I wouldn't be surprised by much. I've seen many relationships fizzle due to a handful of reasons yet when a new one fades I find it to be unbelievable still. I was hanging out with a friend today and we were discussing friends of ours and I was explaining how an old friend of mine chose to leave me behind basically because I was honest and even though this happened years ago I still am flabbergasted about the entire thing. I don't think there will ever be a day that I am able to say: "Ok, I get it. It makes complete sense and I'm not sure why I didn't see it this way before."

Negative surprises are just one side though. I actually like pondering on the more positive twists in my life. Just as a door closing is really another door opening... a friend lost is just another friend to be made somewhere else. I love seeing how new people come into my life, especially when it's from left field. Sometimes while on the freeway my mind wanders into this analogy that I'd had since the age of about 18 or 19. Odd that I can remember but I was driving to LA to see a guy when I had an epiphany about life... and freeways. They are one in the same. The cars you drive alongside are there for an uncertain amount of time. Sometimes you see the same cars for hundreds of miles, sometimes they are gone as soon as you see them and sometimes they leave you only to reunite with you 60 miles later. People enter and leave my life like the cars on the freeway. I wonder where the next 1,000 miles will take me. :)

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