Saturday, December 4, 2010

Blog of the week.

Let's see here. My weekdays are too busy to squeeze in any blogging but here are a few things that have been going on.

I hit my 100th check in at my Starbuck's.

The Christmas lights are finally up!

I discovered the amazingness of Blue Moon!

Fell in love again with an old favorite band of mime while catching up on schoolwork. I'm staying later on Fridays so that my weekends are now work-free!

I finally made a cool Magazine Tree like the ones my friend Beth showed me last year.

I also saw Burlesque again with some more friends. had a movie and drinks night last night with Sara and Alyssa and now we're about to go meet up with Beth and Jaci for an afternoon show/drink at Vi's! I'm excited because I've never been there. After the show we are going to grab dinner, do some Christmas shopping and then head downtown to see some more friends at the Weezer show.
- Posted from my iPhone :]


Amberly said...

Weezer show?!?!

Danhella said...

Thanks, Jonas!

Amberly- Weezer cover show played tonight by Sal, Evan, Zack and Pablo. It's THE place to be tonight. I think a lot of people from the old downtown days will be showing up. Should be a mini-reunion tonight! Too bad you guys are so far away.