Monday, September 6, 2010

My friends rock.

A few weekends ago I took photos for my friend's wedding. I had also taken engagement photos for her because she's an awesome friend... I'd go as far as saying such a good friend that I'd consider her and her sister pretty much family. Anyway, I did their photos, put together her Bachelorette Party and helped out at the wedding because that's what I do for my friends. All I hope for is a "thanks a lot" and I hope they love the final product.

Today the doorbell rings and I see a shadow running down the walkway. I'm thinking a kid is playing doorbell ditch or something. We peek out the blinds and see that something was left on our doormat.

My friend and her husband made this cute little basket for me with a few items from the Body Shop, a Sephora card and a sweet card telling me how much they appreciated all of the work I put into their wedding. It's funny how the higher power floods your day with great things when you need it the most.

- Posted from my iPhone :]

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