Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday... Almost there...

I'm so ready for the weekend already! Brad and I are taking over my parents' awesome backyard to have a pool party with all of our friends. I love throwing parties and bringing our friends together. I guess because I am an only child I really consider my friends as my family. Anyway, I need to track down a badminton set before Sunday!

Currently listening to The RZ Project while I cheek a few things online. It's so nice to be on the iPad compared to the Macbook. I didn't realize how cumbersome laptops were until we got this bad boy. It's amazing that i can't even tell that this thing is in my purse because it's so light! I love it. We were debating holding out until the next version but I just couldn't wait.

School is so far so good. Over the summer i forget how darn cute the kids at my school are. This one adorable girl gives me a hug on her way to class everyday and compliments me on my outfit. Yesterday she said: "I told my mom that you wear the prettiest clothes." How can you have a bad day after that. I have one student who tells me at least once a day how much fun my class is which shocks me because I'm really tough on my kids at the beginning of the year because I expect a lot out of each one of them. So many teachers assume that because a kid lives in poverty they don't have a chance but when you raise the bar the same as you would for a wealthy a kid you will be surprised by how much these kids can accomplish. I absolutely love my school and I know I was meant to be there. It takes a certain personality to deal with some of the things we deal with and I'm happy to do that for these kids.

Well, I'm going to paint my nails and get ready to crawl into bed with my cuddle bugs. Goodnight Internet land. <3

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad :]

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